Thursday, April 18, 2013

Take time Tuesday (Thursday!)

I missed Tuesdays take time, but I got word it was still open! So I'm taking the time on this rainy Thursday to be thankful.

After seeing the events that occurred in Boston, just like any of the other similar events over the last few years, no matter if your directly effected or not, it is no doubt scary.

I sat and watched CNN glued for hours just tearing up and scared. I'm scared to raise children in the world we live in today, but as my husband reminds me constantly (I am a huge worry wart) you can not live everyday in fear, then they win. Which is so true. I however can not imagine the people directly effected. My heart truly goes out to them and their families. It breaks my heart.

With that said Tuesday morning I was so thankful to hear my baby's heartbeat. That does put things into perspective. You have to move forward and come together.

I'm thankful to be safe and have my family, as always. And I am truly thankful I have a cousin with such a big heart. She immediately started up a charity 5k for Boston. That's the true definition of getting up and doing something. She makes me proud! And I can't wait to take part in the run! Even tho my preggo butt will be walking! :-)

I'm thankful on this Thursday to be going to see my new baby too! We get to go for an ultrasound and its better quality then the regular ob's office.

One of my best friends unexpectedly lost their father this week, his funeral is today. I am so sad for her loss.

Overall I am just thankful, no matter how hard my physical days can be, in thankful for my family and everyone around me being safe. While there are people out there aching from their loses, I do have mine and that is 110% worth being thankful for.

Live Half Full

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