Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gluten Free Penne!

Yummm, Yummm, Yummm!!! Last nights dinner: Trader joes brown rice penne pasta and my homemade pasta sauce from my previous post! Tasted so good and the hubs didn't even taste a difference! Cooking has always been a love in the last few years and learning new ways to cook can be challenging BUT I've had a lot of support from my family, especially my cousin Katie (our dads are identical twins so were genetically half the same and god does it show!!) Check out her awesome blog! http://livehalffull.wordpress.com/


Just want to get better..

So lately I've been a little down about my progress. I've been waiting a month now to get into the GI dr to get a biopsy done for this whole Celiac stuff. Well it's finally here today! As much as I don't want to get scoped again I'm looking forward to getting answers. Because I still feel a bit crappy even going off of gluten. I still have horrible tummy aches all the time. But as much as that's still there, the nausea and throwing up has stopped....soooo that is a plus!! I have feeling sick like that!

When I originally went to the dr's for the stuff that had been going on I had a few concerns: my tummy and constant nausea issues (later to be determined as celiac) and a major issue I feel my right leg is numb 85% of the day. It starts at my hip, down my thigh and goes to my foot. No matter what I do it seems to be a constant problem. I've had an MRI of my spine and brain done (to test for MS) a Venus Doppler (to check for a blood clot) and an exam by my dr. He made me do physical therapy for 5 weeks which they found there I had an upslip in my pelvis and it was raised, along with my foot about 3 whole inches higher then my left leg. When they finally popped it back in place I was hoping that would be the cure all for the numbness and tingling in my right side.
I have had no progress in the last 18 months and it's killing me. It keeps me up at night, it hurts to drive and I can't sit for too long without my right side going completely numb and tingly :(

The worst part my new dr (I wanted a second opinion) thinks I need to see a neurologist to clear if it is MS or not, and to simply get to the bottom of it all. I went back to my old dr (confusing I know) bc I couldn't get into my new dr for 3WEEKS and he didn't even try to hear me out just said it sounded like I had a i.t band injury gave me some exercises and still nothing. Oh plus getting into the neurologist they want me to see......6 MONTHS. Seriously 6 f-ing months. Pardon my French but that is so messed up. I'm in pain daily and it's really affecting my everyday life.
Soo yeah I'm hoping more progress is made in the upcoming months bc I'm not too sure how long I can't put up with the pain. But on a positive note I've pushed through the pain to start working out everyday again and that has been helping my depressive moods (compliments of my auto immune and thyroid diseases!) I'm determined to take control of that part of my life again so I can feel better about how rough I feel on the outside, especially running after my cutie patootie :D

Till next time! stay positive!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby "fake out" Mac N cheese

So I made a yummy baby food yesterday for Cj and I have to say it tastes delish! Totally going to do this for the next few years or until he notices :)
I got it out of a cookbook then altered it little like any time I follow recipes :)
You use small pasta stars which I found in the ethnic area of the grocery store, you only have to boil a few tables spoons of those.
For the sauce I sautéed about 6 cherry tomatoes (seeded, skinned and diced) w/ a teaspoon of butter and 1 cup of steamed carrots, 1/3 cup of cheese puréed together. Then mix with the cooked pasta stars! He LOVED it! I really enjoy making all his baby food and watching him explore and be open to all kinds new foods. It's so rewarding to me. It even got me on a kick of how I could develop a line of homemade baby food! Far fetched BUT who knows what the future holds :)

The last two weeks

So it's been about 2 weeks since the Dr called with all the results..still have to wait another 2 weeks for my GI appointment so I can get scoped (fun...not!!) and I can find out about having a biopsy of my small intestines. This also does not sound fun!! But whatever needs to happen so I can get better is fine. I've been through way worse!
Also they can't clear that I don't have MS yet :( I have to see a neurologist and guess what?! The wait for an appointment for a new patient is 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! That frustrates me beyond anything. My hands are weak, my legs have gotten weaker and the numbness and tingling is somewhat unbearable some days.
Now that I'm 95% GF I was hoping to say I was feeling better, but I'm not. Even on the days I have not touched gluten I still get super nauseous, light headed, bad stomach aches and lots of other fun stuff ;)
One thing I noticed too...going out SUCKS!! I find it hard to go and eat anywhere bc no matter how many times I look at labels or read a menu I get discouraged thinking what if it's in there??! Then it makes me miss living in Portland...there was TONS of places that had GF menus. Oh well! Adjustments take time I know. Out of all my health issues tho, I will say this one was the hardest to swallow.
If it wasn't for this sweet innocent baby boy sleeping in my arms and my strong husband I'm not sure where I'd be. It's weird to think about..there was a long time in my life where I never saw marriage and kids in my future. And I knew that all changed when I met my husband. Now I couldn't picture myself any other way. Nothing could ever make me want to be anywhere else in life then with my boys :)
