Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby "fake out" Mac N cheese

So I made a yummy baby food yesterday for Cj and I have to say it tastes delish! Totally going to do this for the next few years or until he notices :)
I got it out of a cookbook then altered it little like any time I follow recipes :)
You use small pasta stars which I found in the ethnic area of the grocery store, you only have to boil a few tables spoons of those.
For the sauce I sautéed about 6 cherry tomatoes (seeded, skinned and diced) w/ a teaspoon of butter and 1 cup of steamed carrots, 1/3 cup of cheese puréed together. Then mix with the cooked pasta stars! He LOVED it! I really enjoy making all his baby food and watching him explore and be open to all kinds new foods. It's so rewarding to me. It even got me on a kick of how I could develop a line of homemade baby food! Far fetched BUT who knows what the future holds :)


  1. Mama Miller Eats Baby Food! I can see it!!!

  2. Oh no shame! I totally do :) for every two bites for him I get one too...muhahaha
