I was in a major medical funk today after some news from my one of my many dr's. So I asked myself today, what is something I miss eating that has Gluten in it? One of the first things that popped into my head was Chinese food, pork pot stickers to be exact. I love lo mien, but I'd like to consider myself a pot sticker connoisseur. No really....haha...
I've tried them all over the U.S. Detroit, Denver, Philly, Portland-OR {the best, Shanghai Tunnel!} Atlanta....ok you get the point. I really like them. So after hearing one of the many Celiac's I follow post a tweet about #celiacproblems and making them a #celiacsolution I felt inspired to try something {scary} and new. Make them from scratch.
I've had a transition challenge from gluten cooking to gluten-free cooking. Something that's kind of been frustrating because I had felt I had mastered the one and the other has so far been hit or miss, usually dealing with a texture/baking issue. Because the two are drastically different and a work in progress.
So today I was in a happy place thanks to seeing my BFF after a long time apart., and felt inspired so I made them from scratch!! Took almost two hours total between prep and cooking. So this isn't a quick recipe, but a good {worth it} recipe!
Plus, a bonus, you can easily freeze them after the first boil process for a later date and then reboil them as stated below and then pan cook till light/to preferred darkness. Then definitely a quick 30 minute meal perfect for the hustle and bustle of the week! :-)
I will say I have a little bit of cooking experience. A few years behind my belt with some training from an old roommate-chef and my grandma. Along with a lot of trails and errors over the years. I am 50 % Polish surrounded by a lot of 100% Pollocks so I have some experience making pierogi's from scratch so I found a great recipe I've used for GF pierogi dough and paired it with this and it worked perfect!!
Anyways ok finally the recipe--!
What you need/ what you need to do with it---
1 lb of ground Pork
1 bunch of Bok Choy
1/2 of a onion
-Chop up bok Choy into small shreds and mince onion
-Mix in bowl with ground pork and season with below spices. Set aside.
Sea salt
Crushed red pepper
Tablespoon of fresh minced ginger
2 tablespoons of tamari (Gf soy sauce)
1 tablespoon of Coconut oil, to fry in at end
For the Dough:
2 cups tapioca flour
1/2 cup corn starch
3/4 cup white rice flour
3/4 cup potato starch
2-1/2 teaspoons gluten-free baking powder
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
Have an extra 1/2 of flour mixture for rolling out the dough and when it gets thin and or sticky.
approximately 1-1/4 cup water (you can substitute some of the water with a little gluten-free sour cream or Greek yogurt, I use about 1 tablespoon of Greek)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 large eggs, beaten seasoned with a dash of sea salt and pepper.
To make the dough, whisk all dry dough ingredients thoroughly.
Add oil, egg and water; and mix thoroughly to form a stretchy type of dough, the consistency of raw biscuit dough.
Add a little cornstarch, enough to allow you to handle without sticking to your hands.
Sprinkle a smooth surface generously with tapioca flour. Flour your hands and rolling pin, too. Roll out thin, but not as thin as possible, as this will cause the dough to stick to the surface and tear while filling.
Roll enough dough out so that you will be able to cut out 3 1/2 - 4” circles. I use a medium size cup to do the perfect size with a little water near by just in case it gets sticky, you can dip it before you make the cut out.
To each circle add about 1 heaping teaspoon of filling and close to form a half circle.
Pinch each pot sticker closed
Boil water in a large pot. Cook until the pierogies float to the top, about 8 minutes.
I prefer them sautéed them in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil after boiling them. Fry them until golden brown. I usually sauté them until they're crispy about 5-7 minutes. Check the insides to make sure the meat is fully cooked. Usually takes 15-20 minutes total for me.
I am so impressed with myself I won't lie. They tasted so good. I paired then with a simple homemade sauce.
A mixture of Ginger, crushed red pepper, Gf soy sauce and water. Yum!!
Hope you like!