I'm at a lose for words when it comes to people these days.
Family and friends are hard to come by and are something I don't understand and probably never will. But the difference between last year and this one is, I'm done. I'm done listening to excuses, lies, and I'm done competing thinking I'm not good enough. The difference is I am good enough and I've given many people the benefit of the doubt for far too long. I always do the right thing, I always put myself out there even for strangers and even tho I'm probably more lonely then I've ever been, it's absolutely not for the lack of trying. I think I've finally realized I've put too much effort into the wrong people over the years.
I barely have a mother, everyone around me is extremely selfish, and I'm tired of being walked all over.
I have gone through an unbelievable amount of medical stuff over the last few years, never had anyone by my side until my husband. No one cares the daily battles I have, no one asks me how I'm really doing, no one but him. I wish I was strong enough to change my number or delete my fb and start over. Because living with such anger and hurt inside isn't ok. But the people that cause my pain, don't care? So why the fuck should I?